Although your not as technical as the rest when it comes to how things look seperately I did enjoy the story you told with this project.
A TRUE illustration.
I liked how you have your own style and your persistence. Also your "IDGAF Imma Release This Shit" attitude is exactly what you need if you want to make it anywhere.
I wouldnt say it sucks, more about it lacking something. I think your lacking a few details (sky, maybe play with a brushes and different textures) but overall, its the simplicity I find beautiful.
This reminded me of Star Wars 3 when Obi Wan and Anakin are bashing lightsabers at eachtother.
LAST THOUGHTS: The way you drew those necks.. are so magnetizing. I cant stop looking at those necks. And correct me if im wrong but I think that dude in the yellow is a bit too excited (;
- Qwaint