
118 Audio Reviews w/ Response

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hohoho, i see you with the styles. those adlibs really boost your style.

lots of perspective, goofy imagery that translates into wisdom, cool rhymes, mathematical precision, and always creative. one of my favorite words you rhymed with in this piece was, "cheese steak" and "green bay".

id say, the mix is something that needs to be worked on more. but then again if thats the way it was meant to be, it fits the atmosphere well. kind of a scatterbrained funk spiral of sounds, stringed together by spaces in the rhythm.

"i shot someone for not coming to kill me" (word up)
"was kicked out the the home school that i go to" (lmaooo)
"put the glove on you i promise it will not fit" (the blockheads always try to intimidate in crews, dont they. talk about blocking up the highway.)

whatchu know boutda ol english?

overall this was a phat piece, i appreciate the realness of your being. that takes effort and time, dude. i think you did a great job, however the sound engineering could receive more attention.

shouts to Ax for supplying that energetic beat.

Q ~~

Teqneek responds:


Yeah I think the ad libs ended up making the song for real, and most were added after the 3rd cut of this. Dude it took me 6 tries to get this damn thing right, and I still can't get "quite" the vocal sound I'm looking for. Which may or may not partly be due to technical inferiority lol album title if I was a bit more self-loathing...

I feel like I got into a vocal groove right around the time I peaced out for a couple years, and maybe I'm just shaking the rust off. Or maybe it's time to upgrade my equipment lol.

Still rockin' the Blue USB Yeti from back in the day, and have been dealing with the Reaper (Free Version) DAW ever since last Clabtrap's Finals. So I'm not really happy with the sound either thing puts out, and maybe that's why I feel like I gotta dub my shit too much.

But I kinda dig this song, and maybe one day when I get better gear, I'll re-do a bunch of mah classicz... and release something I've been thinking of doing for a while now, "A Brief History of Rhyme, vol : 1"

Yeah, anyway thanks for diggin the track my brother.

shiiiet son!

i like that low freq, mangled horn sound.

it would sound so much better, in my opinon, if you added some kind of background noise, like a swaying breeze, or maybe something like waves crashing against rocks, or maybe a slight hum from a fridge/microwave, or perhaps pencils scritch scratching on paper, or a ruffled flapping of bird wings.

Q ~~

libbyshimmz responds:

I agree, it could use a tad bit more in the atmosphere department.

how magnificent it is, that human beings can adapt to the toughest situations, and not only adapt but also shine.

yo, speak that! on this side, i felt the immense power of soul, many things youve said within this piece left me feeling awestruck, respect, empathy, admiration, and also temporarily captivated by the essence of your being.


one thing i feel that you couldve worked on a bit more was the mixing of your vocals, and perhaps even a step back, to the actual recording process of your vocals. in some areas, when you speed through the words, it does hit the rhythm, but it gets drowned out by the high frequencies of the melody.

another note to keep in mind, is the energy you are feeling at that particular moment when youre in the booth. youre prolly familiar with this notion. it felt like you were not feeling the words as much, maybe previously to get through such drastic events in your lifetime, maybe you had the wall up a bit to feel more emotionally/psychologically secure/stable, but its like you had dammed up a river within you, and only some of that good water gets across.

your words are powerful, not to mention the way you interpret things are brilliant, though it seems that you are not feeling your own words as much and the meanings behind them. it could be because you are re-recording the same parts over and over again, till the focus of expression is shrouded by the concentration of articulation patterns, or it could be that you are only doing one-take recordings and you get distracted by external matters or just get tired a bit halfway through.


these kinds of things happen a lot, especially in the martial arts of linguistics and logical bombardment interacting with emotions and im definitely no expert, just things that i have been through myself. sometimes, i observe these systems of processing (the stages of creating something our of nothing, translating complex feelings) and see the similarities between it and society by large. the way society moves through life shits and even our own species altogether through existence, is really reflective of our expressions within artistic boundaries and also the actual way the common man of the era thinks and feels.

alright, im getting a bit off topic now.


one of the most outstanding quotes that i felt from this piece were (random order that i just picked out):

"im addicted to pain, i cant stop making the same mistakes"
"everyone i love burns me up, and everything i touch turns to dust"
"but hey truthfully if could i wouldnt change too many things"
"a shell of the hell of a guy that i always thought i would be"
"i got 2 girls i love to death, i just hate the world that created me"
" im accumulating a massive amount of wisdom too rapidly, and i have to breathe i dont think that the path im traveling, magically ends with the me and the girls of my dreams and happy"
"i tried to shine too many times and i oxidized and i rust"
"then play the victim in an existence which isnt fair to me"


all of these quotes are genuine, heartfelt, and it is some of the things that i personally feel too.


sometimes i wonder about getting older, and my dance with these imperfections, the same imperfections that make me who i am, but they do not define me, though people use them to try to define me.

sometimes i wonder if this dance will only get faster and faster until ***pop***, thats it, or maybe i will learn how to dance better with such a shitty dance partner that kicks me and punches the wind outta my gut every 30 seconds. not to mention the chokeslams, lol. but i think everything ive been through, you have been through.


you know, sometimes its a lot better to just not look inside pandora's box. cause sometimes, theres things in there that scare the shit outta me. its like, my mind is a haunted house or something, but home is where the heart is. my bad for the essay, lmao.


push on brutha, dont let it get the best of you.


i like to refer to music as one of my good entity friends, she always helps me fight demons (neg energy), but at the price of individualism and consumerism here are some songs id like to share with you, i hope they help you in life:



peace thru pieces

Q ~~

Teqneek responds:

Hey I'll most likely edit this later (edit: okay it's edited. also thanks for the links, I'm checking them out), to give a proper response to this- but I just wanted to say HOLY SHIT man this is by far the longest review I've ever received!

I appreciate the time you put in to writing it, and I agree with you on a lot of points.

I need to inject more feeling into my songs, I've always known this too. A few factors play into it, the main one being the lack of self-confidence I touched on in this song actually. I second guess myself, feel like people who aren't within earshot are like RIGHT next to me, and I bottle my emotion. I always feel like I'm being scrutinized by people, even if they aren't really there. Or even real...

Man I used to be so fucking outgoing; I remember running on stage, grabbing the mic out of the singer's hand, and proceeding to rap mah classics while the band just kept on jamming.

That actually happened. And yes it was fueled by alcohol but my point is this... nowadays I could never do something even remotely like that, no matter how intoxicated I may be...

Plus- grabbing the mic out of someone's hands is pretty dickish, and grounds for an ass-beating, although I do recall seizing some window of opportunity, where I knew I could pull something like that off without relentlessly being pummeled by a reggae band... I think... Honestly though lol I have no recollection... of any special moment which inspired me to take over a live show and think the band would be cool with it- but I did just that. And that's the type of confidence I had.

Then sooooo much bad shit happened in my life. Just awful event after awful event, nonstop, and for years. And it hasn't slowed down- if anything it's increasing in frequency. This song covers only a fraction of it really.

Anyway... Bad events and bad human beings have seriously killed my confidence, and now I have phobias of being criticized by both real and nonexistent people- and it causes me to bottle my emotions, including when I'm recording. And it certainly contributed to the nearly 2-year disappearing act I did from this music thing.

I have supreme confidence in my written word; but in order for it to reach out and impact someone, I have to use a part of me that is pretty fucking damaged.

Basically, I completely agree with your feedback about the vocal tone. And honestly I hope this song also provides an explanation as to why that is. Thanks for the thought-out review Qwaint. You da man.

this is rather phat, my friend.

those keyboards at the end were a funky choice. swell production like it always is. its a cool treat to be able to experience these things.

those crusty hi hats bring me much joy, and you dope snares fit it well. a good blending and panning of all frequencies, i like how you know the perfect amount of low freq, not too overpowering and not too runty.

a subtle combination is the best way, i feel.

just wondering, is the instrument of the main melody a flute that you EQd or a synth note that has been EQd?

i will now commence an electronic excretion of untold formation.

all in all, i liked it brosis. the imagery that im feelin is a sensation of swirly textures and squirrels scavenging for food during an interlude of the 4 different seasons, lots of abrupt twists in the entire visualization frame. i could also imagine a detective dude in a 1950's office, sitting in a leather chair that is not too poofy like the chairs of 2016. it was a vintage, beige color, of quality comfort. he was leaning backwards in the chair, his suit jacket hanging off the back end of the chair. and he was sipping some coffee that had cream and sugar in it out of a musty mug that appeared to be aged. the man was a bit of the chunky side, he had a bit of scruff on his face, a bit tired but he did not look exhausted. he was in relaxation mode, not experiencing extreme stress and pressure, though he was at work just relaxing a bit. its too much too describe everything so ill just stop here lol. ill end up writing a short story or something if i get into such details.

Q ~~

libbyshimmz responds:

I want to say it is a flute, but I'm not entirely sure.

Please, I hope you plan on fleshing out that story. Sounds as if it would be awesome!

she sighf her penguin king de de de?

when i was in grade school, i used to know a black child named Kirby.

Q ~~

libbyshimmz responds:


what are you doing. this is too funky, overly nutritious. dented alarm clocks.

Q ~~

libbyshimmz responds:

Looking for employment so I can pay rent.


that shit was krabby patties dude. cant say much else.

yo, dont know if anyone has told you already but theres gonna be CT tournament 2016, if you got time you should join. it might be a good outlet for shit streaks.

Q ~~

Teqneek responds:

I'm gonna go ahead and accept that "krabby patties" is a good thing. Lol thx bruthaman, I'll pretty much have to enter that one and defend the crown...

that shit is abstracted from another plane.

im diggin the way you tweaked with the vocals, how did you make it sound like that?

and also very interesting piece, i found it highly amusing that you would add electric guitar riffs to add to a spacey and also humanistic perspective.


"our true enemy is instinct, instinct is our motherhood, we were an infant species... instinct has just become aware of its irrelevance.. instinct would inflict a fatal injury on our species... and like a cornered beast it will not go down without a bloody fight.. instinct tells us the unknown is a threat rather than an opportunity... compels away from change... it must be fought tooth and nail beginning with the basis of human urges, the urge to reproduce, we should thank our benefactors... overpowering force... given us purpose... turned our eyes toward the stars... day of transformation with good authority... close at hand."


these word choices and messages frighten me a bit, personally I feel that instinct is necessary and should be embraced, not abandoned and over analyzed (stalked).

it is the figure that dances in silence, everything that makes reality truly magical. Thoughts can be very persuasive, and it is contagious, traveling from host to host like a parasite virus. once a thought is planted, it is terribly difficult to remove without altering the surrounding area of soil. meaning that thoughts alone, is not the way and it leaves me nearly baffled that such a beautiful planet is slowly becoming more and more integrated with the spider web beds that can be seen so clearly.

and they have the "nerve" to call themselves humans beings and even bounce to methods self defense such as "the right to do this and that" and "property of asshole" and "possible mental disorders". i feel that LIFE in general is crazy and bizarre, and we humans are part of the kingdom of mammals, which is part of an even larger family tree of earthlings. Earth organisms, the planet itself is one living creature.

so it is incredibly frustrating to me when people bring up "mental disorders" when they themselves are completely brainwashed and mind controlled. the tremendous egos of these cretins!! so bizarre!!

yet, it is true to me that the opposites of our human species must coexist (i am not talking about male or female physical forms, yet these things can link to the increasing materialistic point of view society is excreting, but that is a talk for another time)

many of the people of our species holding the power of change prefer to mask themselves in charades of self entitlement or absolute stubbornness. many of these folk are taking the step closer to individual self destruction and actively participate in the suicide of our species and the mass homicidal attitude constantly directed towards our earthing brothers and sisters.

look at the amount of insecticides and mouse traps, and not only that but even to the people of our own species, the dumping of chemicals in water bodies, the air pollution. and nobody seems to care at all!! its soo fucked up.

by sinking into android tendencies. i fear that it will not be long before such manipulations will become mainstream, and scientific technological mechanical advancements will be our downfall. it is much better to focus on being satisfied with what we already have instead of running away from it and always trying to accumulate junk for extreme selfishness as opposed to the beautiful unfolding of sharing and true nurturing.

of course in society (mechanical garden of eden, artificial government, homunculus, robotic functions with paternal attitude towards life, domination), things do happen for a reason, but in much different light than the magical wonders of reality. it is.. a virtual reality, an institution that the strongest and most blessed of our species take part in. face it, most of the humans are just bullies.

most human beings are much more dumber and meaner than they tend to believe. it is a proof. they say you are what you eat, if your metaphysical (mental physical) body only consumes shit, then you will transform into a shitty person, and it will be evident in the LIFE FORCES around such a person. LIFE FORCE is different from the force exerted from an organism. LIFE FORCE is basically pure energy that is manifested into a tangible form.

there must be a balance, and through such balance, one individual can truly transform or evolve, not through forces acting in subtle ways for an extremely selfish motive (seduction), and not through blunt force for an extremely selfish motive (war), but a waltz that is borderline masochistic and magical, for one and for all.

with the perspective of a one dimensional type, perceptions can appear to be imperishable for a certain length of time, but like all highs, it will not be as pleasurable as the first high. many chase this comfort and then through such vigorous chasing, such an individual may forget the reason of purpose of living, and simply live to chase comfort, creating all sorts of complicated 2 dimensional figures acting like a 3D being in a 3D reality space (harmony). such a person is a victim of self mutilation, and unfortunately many many people in this age, in this era, and in this time are living under this formation or bridge. real life trolls, and impostors of harmony.

it is not what sexuality that determines such things. it is more about the attitude that a person has, and the type of energy they emit. for we are all siblings of PURE ENERGY, and such a thing cannot be fully understood because it is incompatible with our existence and mode of meaning. to truly flow with things and thinks, an individual being does not rely on logic nor imagination.

such a person may follow their heart (dreams) and use their brain (mind). better to use things to your advantage and be better than before, instead of taking advantage to appear better. but you prolly know these things already (:


Q ~~

libbyshimmz responds:

'I'm diggin the way you tweaked with the vocals, how did you make it sound like that?'

The dialogue is sampled from Half-Life 2. An alien species known as the Combine have taken over the earth. Extrapolate from that what you will.

'by sinking into android tendencies. i fear that it will not be long before such manipulations will become mainstream, and scientific technological mechanical advancements will be our downfall. it is much better to focus on being satisfied with what we already have instead of running away from it and always trying to accumulate junk for extreme selfishness as opposed to the beautiful unfolding of sharing and true nurturing.'

I agree 100%

one sock

Qwaint @KleptoidKat

Age 28, Male

human being


Joined on 11/16/12

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